Saturday, February 23, 2013

Jestine's 24th Birthday

My birthday morning started out perfect. I woke up to Bobby by my side singing me happy birthday, and even got to sleep in more while he went to the gym. Then, since I had the apartment to myself, I prepared chips and spicy salsa with chocolate milk (my guilty pleasures) and watched the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy. 

A little while later, I got a Facetime call from Bobby's parents and one of my best friends from back home. It was a wonderful surprise. Once Bobby got home, we got ready to meet up with some friends to head to dinner and drinks. We decided to check out a new Brazilian BBQ buffet in Haeundae called Mercado.

It was a fabulous restaurant. We got all different kinds of quality beef and chicken, which is all hard to come by at a reasonable price in Korea. The servers went back and forth from the rotisserie-esque oven pit (I clearly have no idea what its called) to give us 8 different types of meat. There was a buffet full of fruits, vegetables and side dishes. We all ate plenty of food, but not so much that we regretted it or wanted to go to bed. Afterward, we headed to a brewery in Seomyeon called Who? to drink micro-brewed hefeweizen (also hard to come by in Korea). It was a low key day with some good friends and the love of my life. It was the perfect 24th birthday.

What would you call this?


I tried chicken hearts for the first time...

I wish I could have spent my birthday with all my friends and family back home, but it turned out to be a wonderful day here in Korea. CHEERS from the other side of the world.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Gaegeum COREM-Video Tour

I feel like this has been a long time coming.

So without further adieu, enjoy a tour of our school.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

High1 Snowboarding

We had a five day vacation this weekend for Lunar New Year. Since this was the weekend between both of our birthdays, we decided it would be a perfect weekend to treat ourselves to something new and exciting - snowboarding in Korea!

We found a posting for a big group event to go snowboarding at High1 Resort near Gangwon-do, Korea. Home of the 2018 Winter Olympics Halfpipe competition. It was a package deal including condo, shuttle bus, rentals (board, boots and clothes for like $10, CHEAP HUH?), and a two-day snowboarding pass (including night skiing). It was the perfect deal. So we purchased our tickets and couldn't wait for the weekend to start!

After a 4 hour bus ride we made it to the condo. That night we met our roommates, who were awesome people! They all lived near Daegu but were from South Africa, New Zealand, Ireland, Scotland and Canada. So Saturday night we all joined around a hookah and enjoyed each others company.

The view from our condo of the mountain

Another view from our condo. The hot tub is to the right.

Since it was Lunar New Year the slopes were pretty empty.

Our friend, Jesse.


The slopes were littered with huge billboards and loud music.

Nothing is better than the hot tub after a long day of snowboarding.

What a fun weekend! 
The weather was perfect, the slopes were fun, and we met some amazing people.

(Partial photo credit to Jesse Bellamy and Kailey Sargeant)

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