Now that we have been in Korea for over a year, we like to think we now know what to expect this year, weather wise. All year (besides summer) it BARELY rains here, but as soon as June comes around we have weeks and week straight of rain, thunderstorms, and extremely humid weather.
Yes we are from the Pacific Northwest.. and yes that area get lots of rain... but not rain like monsoon rain. This rain is so heavy you can't even see in front of you while you are walking. Last weekend Three or four weeks ago (jeez it took me along time to post this.. sorry!) when we were trying to find our way to a new restaurant it was one of THOSE kinds of rains. I swear it was raining harder each step.. and again unlike the northwest, when it rains here it is extremely humid. It took us a few weeks to realize that when we looked outside and it was raining we definitely didn't need to wear pants or a long sleeve shirt because it was too damn hot for that.
Everyone in Korea knows that when it is rainy it is the perfect time to eat pajeon and makoglie. Last weekend Three weeks ago, it was pouring rain so we decided to get together with Tyler and Natalie (our friends from Seattle who are teaching in the same city as us) to check out a new makoglie restaurant that is hidden in some small backstreets in Seomyeon. This is the type of restaurant that only Koreans know about. You won't see too many foreigners here.. and actually we got lots of looks from other Koreas when we were walking here since they never see "white peeps" in that area.
The milk looking liquid in that bowl is makoglie. It's actually really easy to make at home, so maybe we can make you some on a rainy day when we are back in the States! The red circle is a kimchi pajeon, which is a sort of savory pancake. I love the kimchi one rather than the pajeon with only green onion. The last picture is traditional bimpbimbop.
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